HELP ME NORA on sale through January 31!

My first Nora Dockson legal thriller is discounted to only $.99 in Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, and US dollars through January 31! Also sale-priced in Euros, British Pounds, and other currencies worldwide. Meet the feisty Spokane lawyer at the beginning of her crusade for justice which continues in RIGHT THE WRONG, HEAR MY PLEA, and JUDGE ME NOT. The fifth book in the series will appear in mid-2017.

The first Nora Dockson legal thriller

Click on this link to reach an online vendor offering HELP ME NORA at the sale price: universal book linker

20 Christmas tales in one book!

Merry Christmas Bundle

Unwrap this ebook with 20 Christmas tales and find a wealth of Christmas delights. From action to urban fantasy, science fiction to women’s fiction, crime to romance, bitter-sweetness to silly fun, you will find a Christmas tale for all occasions, including my short story “Boot Scoot”.

Get $37 worth of 20 Christmas Tales for $4.99 from these online vendors:





Thriller releases Dec. 5!

Ex-con Nora Dockson broke free from her trailer park roots and went to law school. She works only for convicted felons, trying to force a flawed system to treat them fairly.

But can she — should she? — help Silvia Simon?

The young single mother insists she’s not guilty of arson-murder. But investigators determined only Silvia could’ve started the fire. The prosecutor argued that Silvia set it to kill her daughter.

Were they wrong? Or is Silvia lying?

In Judge Me Not, Nora finds herself at the murky junction where arson myths and bad-mother stereotypes collide with modern science. This engrossing legal thriller illuminates the problem facing vulnerable women accused of crimes that cannot be overturned by DNA evidence.

Judge Me Not

To dive into Judge Me Not on launch date, December 5, 2016, preorder from the ebook retailers below at the bargain advance sale price.




