Get a Wealth of Short Stories for a Great Low Price

Enjoy the wealth! Open this treasure chest of 55 short stories, including four featuring my FBI heroine Dawna Shepherd.

From fantasy to space adventure, pirates, mystery, horror, historical fiction, romance, and coming of age, you’ll find short, snappy reads in every genre.

Discover a new great read in this lucky dip. Only $4.99 from your favorite online vendor.

From fantasy to mystery, from pirates to romance, 55 short, snappy reads

Finalist for Derringer Award

"Mercy Find Me" by Diana Deverell
My Award-Finalist Story appears in this issue of Fiction River

I’m overjoyed that my short story “Mercy Find Me” is a finalist for the 2019 Derringer Award from the Short Mystery Fiction Society. This story came straight from my heart and was published last year in Fiction River: Justice edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I’m happy that the first-round judges liked the story and look forward to getting it into the hands of more readers. The magazine is available as an ebook from most online vendors and in paperback from Amazon.

Laugh your way into 2019!

Laugh with Odin, the robot vacuum cleaner who narrates my new short story, “Clean and Godly in Denmark”.

Odin is a robot vacuum cleaner one meter in diameter with a shiny black cover. He works for Danish seniors.

You can find my story in Fiction River: Hard Choices available from all major ebook retailers.

As I told the anthology editor, in my little village, Danish seniors have government-supplied robot vacuum cleaners to help them live independently.

My elderly neighbors seem very fond of their tireless helpers, often talking to them like old friends.

To which he replied, “Yeah, what could go wrong there?”


Find out who dies and who survives by clicking on the cover below and following the link to an ebook vendor with a copy of the magazine for you!