Latest Casey Collins Thriller!

China Box book cover by Diana Deverell
From a reader review: “The plot has all the action a reader could hope for. It’s current and realistic enough that you could imagine it showing up on 60 Minutes if it weren’t (we hope) fiction. And Casey is completely believable as an older and wiser woman, trying to keep her career intact, find romance, and save the world in the process. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”

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A new Casey Collins thriller!

China Box book cover

Fifteen years ago, Casey Collins’s Polish lover was murdered and she lost heart for the war against terror. After 9/11, the State Department intelligence analyst knew she’d also lost her touch. Since, she’s worked only in tiny US embassies far from Washington, doing routine admin work that numbs her. The highlight of her day is happy hour. Nothing gets between her and her five o’clock gin and tonic.

Until the ancient spymaster limps into the American Club of Dhaka, waves his cane in her face, and tells her that her godson is falling into a Chinese honey trap.

Read China Box to find out what happens next.  Release date is June 14. Follow the links below to preorder my new Casey Collins thriller at the bargain advance sale price of $2.99 from the following ebook retailers:



